Yesterday we celebrated quietly Baby I's two month-iversary. We finally finished all the thank you notes for those who helped bring both of us safely home and decided delivering the notes would be a great way to celebrate. My parents had done something similar just weeks after my hospital stay and were allowed to meet a lot of the nurses in person. We prepared our children for something similar and told them we would need to be "reverent" as we visisted each floor.
Understandably we were not allowed to go on to each floor except to deliver the notes to a receptionist at each floor.
On the way out of the hospital, however, as we gave the last note for the hospital administrator, a man walked by us with glasses and light brown crazy curly hair. I had caught a glimpse of him before and looked quickly to A for a confirmation of who I thought it might be. Doctor Minton greeted us and we briefly shared our reason for being in the hospital.
We explained to our other children what he had done for Baby I and I began to get emotional as I hugged and thanked Doctor Minton for the first time in person.
Needless to say, it was a somber night.
School has started for both Z and S. B is learning to adjust to how quiet the house gets when just I and mommy are home. I will try to post pictures of the first days of school.
A's parents have been with us helping while things return to a normal routine. It seemed like two months would be a very long time and I wondered if I'd be ready to jump back into things. I now look at the calendar and realize I only have two weeks left to make sure I'm ready!!
A has really liked having his parents here to cook all his favorite dishes that are just too complicated for this gringa. I know he'll miss them and is grateful our children have had another chance to be with them.
While they've been here, we've taken them to Park City to the outlet stores and browsed while the children played in the jungle gym. We've shown them the Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain, Logan, Ogden and Draper temples.
We've also taken family walks and visited with lots of friends we'd not seen in a long time. Including those we were able to see durning Uncle Noe Alcazar's funeral.
As I write it out, it doesn't seem like we've done very much. But we've managed to make it last the WHOLE summer!!!!!
I'll try to post more and include pictures later, but I hear someone calling my name... "MMMMMOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"
6 days ago
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