Because of the season, everyone it seems is writing about what they are thankful for. I too am grateful for many things. I wanted to update a post first.... The picture that was taken of Baby I and me kissing for the local school reflections contest took first place in their division!! She put a title of "Beauty is... A Mother's love." The picture will now be displayed for the district competition.

I am so grateful that Baby I is with us. He is growing so quickly! I don't remember my other children growing quite this quickly; He weighs over 17 pounds and is 26 inches tall and is only four months old!! I sometimes look at his hands and think, "You have MONSTER hands!"
His head is still a bit on the smaller side, but I think the Lord knew what trouble we'd have getting him here and made it possible for I to come on his own as much as he could. Even if that meant starting out with a smaller head circumference. Call me crazy... I know. I've had a lot of free time on my hands. Can you tell?
On to the Glad Game:
I am glad my children give me daily challenges.
I am glad that my Heavenly Father knows me and knows when to send reminders of important lessons.
I am glad I have visiting teachers.
I am SUPER glad I have the husband I do; what a great man.
I am glad we have the opportunity to return to our Father and be with Him eternally.
I am glad to know we all have limits.
I am glad to have freedoms and for those who served so that we may have them.
I am glad for my Savior.
I am glad for the restored gospel.
I am extremely glad for the priesthood.
I am glad my husband is worthy and holds this authority.
I am glad for friends who are willing to listen and give wise respectful counsel.
I am glad my husband enjoys raquetball so much.
I am glad for memories.
I am glad for walks in the crisp autumn air.
I am glad for private moments.
I am glad for children who want snuggle and keep their mama warm.

1 comment:
The kids are getting so big! I can't believe it! It seems like forever since I saw you. And your baby is bigger than mine is. My kids tend to be scrawny little things.
Hope all continues to go well. Have a great Thanksgiving!
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