Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Glad Game

Because of the season, everyone it seems is writing about what they are thankful for. I too am grateful for many things. I wanted to update a post first.... The picture that was taken of Baby I and me kissing for the local school reflections contest took first place in their division!! She put a title of "Beauty is... A Mother's love." The picture will now be displayed for the district competition.

I am so grateful that Baby I is with us. He is growing so quickly! I don't remember my other children growing quite this quickly; He weighs over 17 pounds and is 26 inches tall and is only four months old!! I sometimes look at his hands and think, "You have MONSTER hands!"

His head is still a bit on the smaller side, but I think the Lord knew what trouble we'd have getting him here and made it possible for I to come on his own as much as he could. Even if that meant starting out with a smaller head circumference. Call me crazy... I know. I've had a lot of free time on my hands. Can you tell?

On to the Glad Game:
I am glad my children give me daily challenges.
I am glad that my Heavenly Father knows me and knows when to send reminders of important lessons.
I am glad I have visiting teachers.
I am SUPER glad I have the husband I do; what a great man.
I am glad we have the opportunity to return to our Father and be with Him eternally.
I am glad to know we all have limits.
I am glad to have freedoms and for those who served so that we may have them.
I am glad for my Savior.
I am glad for the restored gospel.
I am extremely glad for the priesthood.
I am glad my husband is worthy and holds this authority.
I am glad for friends who are willing to listen and give wise respectful counsel.
I am glad my husband enjoys raquetball so much.
I am glad for memories.
I am glad for walks in the crisp autumn air.
I am glad for private moments.
I am glad for children who want snuggle and keep their mama warm.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Catch up!

I don't have a lot of time, but wanted to post a few pics that I missed previously. Enjoy!!

Spring wedding of a friend

Temple trip to Ogden and Logan

Happy Halloween 2009!

First day of second grade

First family visit in the Hospital

Thursday, October 8, 2009


A neighbor and her daughter decided to take pictures of baby I and me for the local school reflections contest. This year's theme is: "Beauty Is..." I'm not sure what their caption will be, but I think it has something to do with families together after a tragic event.
Baby I had just come back from his two month check-up and wasn't reacting well to some of the shots, but he still liked the attention. I'm glad she would take these for us so we have something to remember just how chunky he really is!

This is the one they'll use for the reflections contest.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Summer recap

Yesterday we celebrated quietly Baby I's two month-iversary. We finally finished all the thank you notes for those who helped bring both of us safely home and decided delivering the notes would be a great way to celebrate. My parents had done something similar just weeks after my hospital stay and were allowed to meet a lot of the nurses in person. We prepared our children for something similar and told them we would need to be "reverent" as we visisted each floor.
Understandably we were not allowed to go on to each floor except to deliver the notes to a receptionist at each floor.

On the way out of the hospital, however, as we gave the last note for the hospital administrator, a man walked by us with glasses and light brown crazy curly hair. I had caught a glimpse of him before and looked quickly to A for a confirmation of who I thought it might be. Doctor Minton greeted us and we briefly shared our reason for being in the hospital.
We explained to our other children what he had done for Baby I and I began to get emotional as I hugged and thanked Doctor Minton for the first time in person.
Needless to say, it was a somber night.

School has started for both Z and S. B is learning to adjust to how quiet the house gets when just I and mommy are home. I will try to post pictures of the first days of school.

A's parents have been with us helping while things return to a normal routine. It seemed like two months would be a very long time and I wondered if I'd be ready to jump back into things. I now look at the calendar and realize I only have two weeks left to make sure I'm ready!!
A has really liked having his parents here to cook all his favorite dishes that are just too complicated for this gringa. I know he'll miss them and is grateful our children have had another chance to be with them.
While they've been here, we've taken them to Park City to the outlet stores and browsed while the children played in the jungle gym. We've shown them the Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain, Logan, Ogden and Draper temples.
We've also taken family walks and visited with lots of friends we'd not seen in a long time. Including those we were able to see durning Uncle Noe Alcazar's funeral.

As I write it out, it doesn't seem like we've done very much. But we've managed to make it last the WHOLE summer!!!!!

I'll try to post more and include pictures later, but I hear someone calling my name... "MMMMMOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What a miracle!

There are a lot of emotions flowing at our house currently. Some of them we don't know quite how to express yet, but we are extremely humbled by the events that took place on Friday July 17, 2009.

I had been scheduled for an induction that morning and eagerly awoke not wasting much time in calling the hospital to see what time they wanted to start. They asked that we come as soon as we were ready! A and I got dressed and arrived at the hospital shortly after 7:00 am and were escorted to room 515. Our nurse, Katie Miller greeted us and began to prepare for the expected labor process.

Labor was progressing steadily and there were no concerns when Dr. Rees checked me and broke my water shortly before 2:00pm. I had progressed to 6 cm and knew that Baby I would soon be with us!

A and I were watching a movie to help the time progress when I started to cough and couldn't seem to catch my breath. "What's the matter?" asked A.

"I can't breathe" I whispered.

A immediately pushed the button for the nurse and informed her I was having trouble breathing. Katie came quickly with two others in tow. I remember her entering my room and asking what was wrong. As I responded, I tried to grab the left bed rail for support in pulling myself up a bit.

From that point on, things get a little fuzzy. I am told that I collapsed and was not responding to stimuli. A doesn't recall how Katie called for help, but within seconds, the room was full of hospital staff frantically searching for a pulse, respiratory signs, etc. Any sign of life! Chest compressions were started and more chaos ensued.

The staff knew I was in grave danger and quick action was needed to save both the baby and myself. They rushed me from the laboring room to the OR on the floor and began preparations for an emergency C-section. When checked, however, it was discovered that Baby I had begun to crown and would be easily retrieved with suction.

Baby I was born at 2:10 pm, just before A was allowed into the operating room.

At first, A didn't talk about what he experienced as he entered that room (and there are many fuzzy details that I'm leaving out as well.), but as we've talked together, more "drama" has come to light for both of us.

I proceeded to "flat line" twice more while in the Operating Room while they were also trying to stabilize baby I. After the delivery, I continued to hemorrhage and required a total of 12 blood products and coterization of the uterine lining to stop the bleeding.

Baby I was treated by a Doctor Minton, who we now know is responsible for the start of the NICU program at our local hospital. We believe that the actions of this doctor saved the life of our little one. We will be eternally grateful for what he did!!!

Baby I was transferred to the NICU after about an hour of constant effort on the team assigned to him.

I also was transferred to the ICU after about five hours in surgery. I was very confused at this point as I only remembered not being able to focus (my eyeballs felt like they were floating seperately in their sockets.) and bright lights with lots of pain and panic.

My OB/GYN, Doctor Rees came to visit me shortly after I had been set in my ICU room (217). I am grateful for his efforts in stopping the hemorrhaging and saving my life, along with Doctor Eunice (the anesthesiologist), Doctor Knokes and so many countless others that unfortunately remain nameless.

Baby I and I were both given priesthood blessings and progressed rapidly in our recovery. We were told initially we would have an extensive hospital stay. But as the days progressed, we were quickly moved from the ICU/NICU respectively, on to the Well Baby and Mother floor to room 428.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 we were both discharged from the hospital with the best well-wishes and no expected set backs in our future.

I was diagnosed with Amniotic-Fluid Embolism and DIC. "AFE" as it is sometimes called on the internet, has a maternal mortality rate higher than 60%! We were also told that if you do survive, only 40% make it through without complications such as organ failure, brain damage, stroke, etc.

Our family and friends prayed and fasted for us and eagerly awaited any news that A or my parents/brother could bring from the hospital. I have heard the expression: "We felt the prayers offered on our behalf" and never understood how that was possible. I know now what the prayers of many feel like. What a humbling experience it is to know that so many people love us and are willing to offer prayers in our behalf.

Miracles do indeed occur today! My family experienced several this last week and I'm sure we will continue to see many more!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


This week Z turned seven!!! Grandma took us out to Kneaders for a special birthday lunch. As we were being served, Z announced it was her birthday. The server smiled and told her she could choose her own birthday girl pastry! She chose a silk chocolate mousse with whipcream and chocolate stick. The server directed her to her seat and then added a lit sparkler and wished her a very happy birthday.
After lunch, we returned to Grandma's house to complete the decoration of the Hello Kitty cake and prepare the rest of the party details.
It was a family party this year so we invited Tate, Amy, Kraig, Klark, Aunt Ally, Uncle Dan, Samantha and Grandma and Grandpa. Z wanted an aunthentic mexican dinner so we prepared: Tinga, Nopalitos, Frijoles, Aroz and tostadas. We also enjoyed Strawberry Swirl ice cream and cherry sprinkle white cake with vanilla frosting.
After the wind picked up and started blow us out of the park and our guests had gone home, we returned to our house to give Z her gifts. I'm afraid this year she got more practical (things she needed) gifts. She opened new green sheets, a custom made watermelon pillowcase, mattress topper and a new swimsuit. She also got several pairs of pierced earings.
I tried to keep the two younger ones away from the gifts while Z opened them, to no avail. In the end, everyone got to help open Z's gifts. (Thanks Z for being so willing to keep the peace!)
Happy birthday! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


Happy Easter 2009Say, "Easter Bunny!"

I thought the last time I had blogged was around Halloween. Imagine my delightful surprise when I discovered it had only been since February!! Ah ha ha ha. So get ready for a splurge of pictures mostly and a few details.

Walk-A-Thon 2009

Most of the month of April was spent in preparation for Z's school Walk-A-Thon. This year S and B rode in the stroller while I pushed and looked for Z as there had been a miscommunication as to what time they would let her start walking. One of the highlights of the morning was that Daddy took his lunch break and walked/ran with Z! Thanks Daddy! After the walk, everyone was able to cool down with a popsicle! Can't beat that!

Checkin' out the new "HOG"!

In our attempts to cut costs during this rough economy, we purchased a used scooter which helps get A to and from work. The kids have had fun asking daddy to take them zooming around the church parking lot and surrounding neighborhood. Okay, I'll admit. I've even taken it to work and to "escape" a few times. What a fun way to get around! Although you do get a few peculiar looks while riding if you happen to be 7 months pregnant!

New ducks on BYU campus: Spring 2009

During the early part of May I had an unusual Saturday off. We took the opportunity to spend some time together as a family adventuring. First we went to feed the ducks on campus.

Wolf cry
Then after taking a much needed pitstop we went to the Bean Museum. A had never been and was really impressed with all the exhibits available. Z had just finished "Animal Week" in her first grade class and had done her report on the Grey Wolf. The above photo shows Z and S doing their best wolf cry in front of a Grey Wolf.

B on the other hand, wasn't so sure about sitting next to something like that!

The lions were another story, however.

Crawling like wild animals

Discovering the tunnels where Mom used to go "Tunnel Singing"

A tired group heading down the "snake bridge"

Splashing in the fountains before heading home

We had a great day and wore eachother completely out! But what a treat to be together on a Saturday! Hope we get to do it again soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

What a difference!

What a difference a year makes! As I sat in my hallway looking at our family pictures thinking it was time to take new ones, I noticed how much my children had grown. Z will register for second grade soon and we hope to get her in a spanish immersion program so she can maintain her spanish and start learning how to spell in spanish too. S is in preschool and will register for the upcoming year. I'm trying to decide whether to enroll him in the Kindergarten-prep class or let him enjoy one more year of refusing to write his own name! B had her first haircut on January 25th this year just to trim it up a little. It didn't need as much as Z or S on their first haircuts, but she enjoyed being fussed over.
I'm grateful for my children and am looking forward to the day we add our fourth bundle of joy to the mix. This has been a rough pregnancy; not being able to breathe well, uncomfortable infections, etc. Did I mention how much I'm looking forward to welcoming home number four?

Z: 5yrs S:2yrs R: 10mnths?

R: 2yrs S: 3yrs Z:6yrs

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

User error....

I've wanted to upload some of our pics to show you what our family has been up to in the last few months, but it appears there is a user-error somewhere along the line. Don't know where that might be, do you? Ah, well. We'll try again later. In the meantime, know that we're still kickin!

I might as well update you on a few things until pictures are available..... A few days before Thanksgiving, we found out that a new little one will be joining our family in the latter parts of July 2009. It took us a little off guard, but not by surprise. In March we should find out whether its a boy or a girl, but we have our suspicions about it being a boy. We announced the news on Christmas day to everyone; even our other children didn't know we would get another baby at our house until Grandma J unwrapped the gift.

More details and pictures to follow. Stay tuned!!!