Monday, November 3, 2008


Yesterday as we were getting ready for church, we had some excitement at our house! As the story goes, A was putting S's shoes on near our ironing board. S got up to get his tie and hair combed and bumped the ironing board which sent a can of spray starch tumbling right on top of S's head. One wouldn't think much damage could come from such a can, but one would be wrong!

A trip to the nearest emergency room, four staples and a little plush toy named Swingy later, everything had slowed down a bit. I felt so bad for S though. He knew he didn't want stitches and the doctors all told him he wouldn't have to get them. (S wasn't aware that the doctors were telling Mom and Dad he would have to have something similar though. :*( ) The Doctor and nurse held S's head like he was going to have a blessing and then the "snapping up", as S calls it, started.
Good thing he had his little Swingy to squeeze and Mom's hand.
We go back in six days to remove the staples. The staff tells us it won't be as bad as putting them in. I hope not! I usually don't cry when my children have "owies", but this one sure brought me close.

S insisted on going to church with us and went to our 7 year old primary class. He stuck pretty close until he figured the other kids could be just as silly as he could. It was good to see him running and laughing.

We then went to trick-or-treat in the hall at Grandma's house and were met by a special guest!
My brother who lives in Las Vegas came with his wife and dressed up as the big bad wolf. Both Z and S didn't mind the beast so much, but it sure scared B!

I'm grateful we live close enough to several hospitals, have insurance, and have family nearby. I think these are a few things that keep me sane.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bad Toupee?

We finally convinced Daddy that Z needed a good haircut! It wasn't as short as I wanted to go, but with Halloween in a few days and an updo in order, I figured it was good enough for now. (We can always go shorter when Daddy's not looking!)
So here are a few pics of the before and after, as well as a bad toupee on our front porch. Enjoy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Communication, sumunicashun!

Tonight I learned about the importance of communication. I won't go in to details, but what a difference it makes when one truly communicates.

I had talked with a family member earlier about a few things that are troubling me as of late and thought they understood I wanted something to come of our conversation. As I waited a few days to see what actions would be taken, I realized this family member hadn't understood that I wanted anything else other than to talk.

It was frustrating, to say the least, but I'm glad we were able to communicate with eachother tonight with both of us understanding what actions were expected to come next.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

UNDEROOS anyone???!!!!!

While Z was at school today, I tried to entertain R and S who had been sick early this morning. What did we do all morning long while S decided he felt better? Watched TV until all the cartoons were boring, and then....... ran all over the house with Seth's big-boy Spiderman pants on. Yep! Beca too! Flinging webs and hopping up and down the stairs while eating quesadillas!

Reminds me of the underoos we used to wear as kids. The best was when my Uncles would come over and "try to guess" which heroes we were that day. Of course, they'd NEVER guess, so we'd have to flash them our under-roos and then show them our best moves ever as that particular hero! They were good sports.

Thanks R and S for making my morning brighter!


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Time Keeps on tickin'

I've been putting off posting anything new, just because it takes so darn long to translate everything I want to say! So I've decided that I'll keep posting new pics and things, but only blog in english.
And how come nobody told me my blog was SOOOOO DRY!!!!!!
So more to come... with more entertainment!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thanksgiving Point

We went with cousins to Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah and wore the kids out!! S didn't want to get off the horse and rode two times around the circle while the others were content to move on to other things.
Thanks Auntie Nina!
Fuimos a Thanksgiving Point com uns primos e agora as criancas estao com sonho!!!! S nao queria baixar-se do cavalho e continuo dois vezes no circulo enquanto os outros foram felizes a ver outras coisas.
Muito obrigada Tia Nina!
Fuemos a Thanksgiving Point com unos primos e ahora los ninos tienen sueno!! S no queria bajarse del cavallo y continuo dos veses en el circulo mientras los otros ninos fureran felizes de ver otras cosas.
Muchas gracias Tia Nina!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


The day after the 4th of July, we traveled to Chihuahua Mexico to visit A's family. We had a great time seeing everyone again. We hadn't seen everyone for at least 4 years. There were some new additions and lots of fun to be had. Here are a few pics. Enjoy!

Um dia depois o 4o de julho, viajamos a Chihuahua Mexico para visitar a familia do A. Disfrutamos a compania de todos novamente. Nao tivemos o oportunidade de ver todos pelo menos 4 anos. Inclusive vimos as criancas mais novas da familia, algumas pelo primeira vez. Divertimos muito! Aqui ha algumas fotos. Disfrutem!

Despois del dia de independencia fuemos a Chihuahua Mexico para visitar a familia de A. Disfrutamos la compania de todos novamente. No tuvemos el oportunidad de ver todos por lo menos de 4 anos. Inclusivamente, vemos todos los ninos de la familia. Algunos por primera ves. Divertimos mucho! Aqui ha algunas fotos. Disfruten!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Challenge!!!

I've finally jumped on the bandwagon like so many others. I fought the bug for so long, but was challenged to keep the family/friends up-to-date in three languages! Ha! Want to see if that actually happens? Me too. That's why I let the bug BITE!
So enjoy the posts to come.

Finalmente, chegei!! Como tantos outros... Lutei contra este blog por tanto tempo, mas acceptei um desafio de uma amiga minha quem diz, "tem que manter a familia actualizada.... toda a familia. Mesmo que seja em tres idiomas! Rrrrssss. Quer ver o que accontece? Eu tambem! Por isso estou escrevendo e criando este blog.
Entao, disfruta os post que vem!

Finalmente, llege!! Como tantos otros... Luche contra este blog por tanto tiempo, pero accepte un disafio de una amiga mia que dije, "tienes que mantener la familia actualizada, pero TODA la familia. Aunque sea en tres idiomas! JA JA JA! Queres ver que va passar? Yo tambien!
Entonces, disfruten los post que ven!