Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bad Toupee?

We finally convinced Daddy that Z needed a good haircut! It wasn't as short as I wanted to go, but with Halloween in a few days and an updo in order, I figured it was good enough for now. (We can always go shorter when Daddy's not looking!)
So here are a few pics of the before and after, as well as a bad toupee on our front porch. Enjoy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Communication, sumunicashun!

Tonight I learned about the importance of communication. I won't go in to details, but what a difference it makes when one truly communicates.

I had talked with a family member earlier about a few things that are troubling me as of late and thought they understood I wanted something to come of our conversation. As I waited a few days to see what actions would be taken, I realized this family member hadn't understood that I wanted anything else other than to talk.

It was frustrating, to say the least, but I'm glad we were able to communicate with eachother tonight with both of us understanding what actions were expected to come next.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

UNDEROOS anyone???!!!!!

While Z was at school today, I tried to entertain R and S who had been sick early this morning. What did we do all morning long while S decided he felt better? Watched TV until all the cartoons were boring, and then....... ran all over the house with Seth's big-boy Spiderman pants on. Yep! Beca too! Flinging webs and hopping up and down the stairs while eating quesadillas!

Reminds me of the underoos we used to wear as kids. The best was when my Uncles would come over and "try to guess" which heroes we were that day. Of course, they'd NEVER guess, so we'd have to flash them our under-roos and then show them our best moves ever as that particular hero! They were good sports.

Thanks R and S for making my morning brighter!