Monday, February 23, 2009

What a difference!

What a difference a year makes! As I sat in my hallway looking at our family pictures thinking it was time to take new ones, I noticed how much my children had grown. Z will register for second grade soon and we hope to get her in a spanish immersion program so she can maintain her spanish and start learning how to spell in spanish too. S is in preschool and will register for the upcoming year. I'm trying to decide whether to enroll him in the Kindergarten-prep class or let him enjoy one more year of refusing to write his own name! B had her first haircut on January 25th this year just to trim it up a little. It didn't need as much as Z or S on their first haircuts, but she enjoyed being fussed over.
I'm grateful for my children and am looking forward to the day we add our fourth bundle of joy to the mix. This has been a rough pregnancy; not being able to breathe well, uncomfortable infections, etc. Did I mention how much I'm looking forward to welcoming home number four?

Z: 5yrs S:2yrs R: 10mnths?

R: 2yrs S: 3yrs Z:6yrs

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

User error....

I've wanted to upload some of our pics to show you what our family has been up to in the last few months, but it appears there is a user-error somewhere along the line. Don't know where that might be, do you? Ah, well. We'll try again later. In the meantime, know that we're still kickin!

I might as well update you on a few things until pictures are available..... A few days before Thanksgiving, we found out that a new little one will be joining our family in the latter parts of July 2009. It took us a little off guard, but not by surprise. In March we should find out whether its a boy or a girl, but we have our suspicions about it being a boy. We announced the news on Christmas day to everyone; even our other children didn't know we would get another baby at our house until Grandma J unwrapped the gift.

More details and pictures to follow. Stay tuned!!!