Friday, December 16, 2011

Parabens!!! Happy Birthday!!! Feliz Cumpleanos!!!!

We celebrated another milestone at our house this week and it was so much fun.  Our little girl turned five!!!! We have a tradition in our home that when you turn five, you get to have a date (one on one) with Mom or Dad.
Boo went with me to a local beauty school and had a fancy manicure done.  She knew exactly what colors she wanted on her nails, although she said she was too shy to ask for them. But when it came time, she talked all the way through the manicure and kept everyone entertained.   In the end, they used 12 colors of polish on her nails.

 I'm so proud of her! She's in preschool and is learning her alphabet and is so anxious to learn how to read on her own.  We joke that she is earning her Masters Degree because of how independent she wants and asks to be. In fact, she insisted on helping me make her birthday cake!!!  Eat your heart out, Cake Boss!!!!

She also spotted a watercolor jumbo Princess coloring book while we were adventuring around town and insisted that it (among other things) come home with us to be one of her birthday gifts.   So it did.

 We celebrated her birthday this year with a Garden Fairy party and she has had a thing for Tinkerbell since she was little. Her next gift was a T-shirt with a Tinkerbell design on it which you could color with the crayons included and iron it to make your work of art permanent.  She was excited to be able to work on it and wear it the next day!

 Boo also loves to help me in the kitchen, especially when I'm making cookies or banana bread.  I told my family the other day about a cookie press that my family discovered when we moved in to my Great Grandmother's home after her death.
We couldn't figure out how to make it work properly and the cookies kept coming out funny.  Someone mentioned we needed Grandma to show us how... too bad she wasn't able to.   From that moment on, the cookie press worked wonderfully!!!
While I was shopping after I had shared my story, I found an inexpensive cookie press with cookie plates that are similar to the one Grandma had.  I brought it home, mostly for me, I'll admit. But I think Boo will enjoy using it too. She's already asked to make cookies with it and her list of recipients is growing quite large!

In Mexico, they have a tradition where once the birthday candles are blown out, the celebrant is encouraged to take a "mordida" (a bite of the cake). Their head is then shoved pushed into the cake.  Boo had seen this done at a recent party and asked specifically if we could do this at her party.  Daddy obliged.

 The first attempt was gentle and she contentedly licked her lips covered in frosting.  Then Daddy decided he'd show her how they really did it in Mexico..........

That didn't go so well.

She did enjoy her birthday though and has been very contemplative.  She worries about new things everyday; today she was afraid of growing up and "getting babies."  Me too, mija. Me too.

We LOVE YOU, Miss BOO!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wishing you and yours....

This year I've tried to focus more on the Savior, the reason for the Christmas season and wanted to share this word art with you from this site. 

So, from our family to yours..... Merry CHRISTmas!