Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer Fun 2011

Get ready for a download of photos~
This year Z has been in a "summer club" which didn't allow for much "fun" time.  When she finished up we made the best of it. We took swimming lessons as a family (I don't have pics of those.... too risky bringing the camera poolside with a multitude of littles running around) and then took a family camping trip.    It was a first for S, B and I-guy.
While A and I set up camp, the kids took turn blowing bubbles and chasing after them. No helping hands in the tent!!!

We ate dinner and got ready for bed that night with the promise of it being "Indian Day" the next day. This was something my family had done on a multi-cousin campout and thought my children might enjoy it too. Although we didn't do as much as the original Indian Day, I still think the kids had  fun being on the war path with painted faces and their own painted headbands and let's not forget painting the rocks!  I think we made the the camp caretaker nervous when the kids told him we were going to be painting rocks.  They failed to mention we'd be using watercolors......
We woke up the next morning and washed our hair in the camp spigot for the true camping experience. (The camp had heated showers..... I know, we were roughin' it pretty hard!)  And then put indian braids in the girls' hair.

Now we could officially start Indian Day!
Time for a POW-WOW
Tribal Dance
While we camped we explored and went for walks.

We found lots of rocks and even a smooshed snake!

There was lots of time to play and relax together.

We had plenty of s'mors and popcorn. (Although A didn't trust my ability to pop corn over an open flame and insisted we bring microwave popcorn too, "Just in case.")

We took turns taking the kids to the showers on our last day and packed up the site. We were crammed in the car pretty tightly. I think the comment was even made that we packed more for this trip than the one we took to Mexico three summers ago.  You know, the one where we spent three weeks in Mexico?

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